Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Ok, so I've been getting spotty... I admit it!
This is me being less of a chicken and scratching my pox a little.
This is me being slightly appalled at how... disgustingly poor that metaphor was...
It was a dark and stormy night...

Elipses are so good, but for subtely admitting that I don't know what to say all the time, as well as a way to be lazy. Admitting things and being lazy are both very healthy; thus, elippseses are very healthy, maybe even really healthy! As is ranting, I'm sure. Some things are healthy and you wouldn't even imagine it. Calling your parents, for example. I haven't heard my dad's voice in a while...
I'll replace those elipses when the blue moon eclipses
Not to be specific, but I'm growing something different
And I'd rather not describe the insipidness of the living
9 to 5 numbers and letters
Chill in front of better and better televisions
With a wife to fill in
That gap called a soul.
I'd rather learn a lot
And fuck a hot artist
The kind that knows a lot but will not take part in the hiphop shit I love so much
She thinks it's stupid despite being black
But she loves to fuck
Calls me a stud and throws a D at the end

Its funny the way my brawn and brains blend...

ZOOOMMMMGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (It's cool how I have learned to type my emotions like that)
That was a) off the tippy top of the dizome- free styled b) fun. Welcome back, Me :)  I hadn't written in a few days worth even writing in the first place. Well, in terms of poetry and raps, that is. I think I'll just make a new genre. R & P. Yea, bitch. Raps and poetry. ©R&P bitches. This is not a test

Sometimes you say something and it's like... Ok, that was so good I want the love for that one. So I'm explaining that shit right now. It's kinda like if I were like "so i just built an ipod, let me explain the features"

1. Elipses is two things, sort of. One, a sort of... pause for thought, or to embue some implied meaning. A trailing of sort of a feeling, like, that's all I'm gonna say, but there's more and I know you know what it is so... Secondarily, or primarily, if you're me, which I am... It's to indicate a deletion of text. Kind of like that last bit about trailing off. Example for clarity for you fools:

I like Sarah, she's very attractive. I like the way she walks and the sort of boots she wears.

I like Sarah... the way she walks...

See how it's pretty much the same shit? You can sort of fill in the blanks yourself in the second bit, even if it's not exactly what I was saying, what I did say makes my meaning clear enough.
Good! Linguistics 0.101 complete!

So that whole R&P was about elipses. the duality of it and such. And duality, or the contradiction therein (there's a more elegant word for that, but... fuck remembering things, I'm lazy.) So I said

The kind that knows a lot but will not take part in the hiphop shit I love so much
She thinks it's stupid despite being black
But she loves to fuck
Calls me a stud and throws a D at the end

Its funny the way my brawn and brains blend...

I don't really need to be, like, identical to my bitch. (I know... offensive and unnecessary. It's  a rap song, fuck you :) ) If she doesn't like rap, I'm so cool with that. Plus! not all black people like rap, which seems to be stunning to other races. Yea, it happens. That's word to the seductive melodies of Led Zepplen, I suppose. Plus! who doesn't love to fuck? Come on, now. I need that. Keep it 100% The last two lines are the two illest.
  • Calls me a stud and throws a d at the end --> stud-d --> study!!! 
  • She calls me a stud, and then she throws a D at the end She thinks I'm sexy and puts a D in an (her) end ( y'know... mechanically speaking). She loves to fuck! I love lame jokes lol. You hear the one about the Jewish guy who walked into the bar? well, needless to say, he passed; I'll fill you in on the details later.
  • It's funny the way my brawn and brains blend. Ok this one's a doozy! First of all, brawn = stud, brains = d. The brains thing is pretty weak. I know, but it'll make sense in a few sentences. 
    • This poem just went from being pretty 'serious' to kinda sexual and witty and playful quite fast. It's funny how I can be so serious and earnest while being playful and having sex on the brain.  
    • d = brain because d = dovi = me = my mind = brain. If I seem like a dickhead English philosopher playing assholish mind games, it may be because I am one. 
    • if my brain and brawn do blend, that makes study. I mean that in this way:
      • My brain + brawn = study. Or more accurately and less poetically, brain and brawn together make for the correct formula for study. If you combine both your body and your mind as much as possible, you will be more successful. I swear, go read a book! while walking ...

 The elipses thing works like this: it has nothing to do with all that ^ It's about... I think that as a pience of punctuation it will soon the elipses will be the new question mark. I don't know why I feel this way, beside my own egotistical will that my own slightly lazy writing habits be vindicated once again (when I was a kid I wondered why things like l8er didn't exist. I should have got a trademark or something...) A lot of ideas get left hanging ... I don't bother tying them up because I know you'll get it and save me the energy of that extra expression. Thanks for having my back, and I promise as long as you're my big homie, I'll never ellipse you. I may make you some Elipton chicken noodle soup though. You can figure out what the fuck that means for both of us...

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